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No Statistics on *Child*
Fijivillage – Suva,Fiji
By fijivillage. *Labour* Minister Krishna Datt said they are unable to
properly combat *child* *labour* in Fiji as they do not have any statistics
available. *…*
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*Child* *Labour* – Slow Progress, Right
Inter Press Service (subscription) – Rome,Italy
GENEVA, Jun 12 (IPS) – Encouraging statistics pointing to a decline in *
child* *labour* do not conceal the fact that the problem remains a major
challenge in large *…*

Form nat’l policy on *child*
The Daily Star – Dhaka,Bangladesh
Speakers at a roundtable yesterday urged the government to formulate a
national policy on *child* *labour* and include this issue in the Poverty
Reduction Strategy *…*

Ending *child* *labour* to expand education, reduce poverty:
People’s Daily Online – Beijing,China
*Child* *labour* is still widespread in Cambodia constituting a key obstacle
to universal primary education, human resources development and the
elimination of *…*
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*Child* *labour* can be curbed in 10
Hindustan Times – India
*CHILD* *LABOUR* could be eliminated in most of its worst forms in the next
10 years if the current pace of decline in *child* *labour* was maintained
and the global *…*
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*Child* *labour* abolition
Newindpress (subscription) – Chennai,India
DHARMAPURI: The *child* *labour* abolition movement pledge was taken by
officials and staff at the Collectorate here on Monday. District *…*

Govt has taken steps to eliminate *child* *labour*:
Daily Times – Lahore,Pakistan
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz on monday said the government has
taken measures in an effect to eradicate *child* *labour* from the country
by providing *…*
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Indian priest compares India’s *child* *labour* to historic slave
CathNews – Australia
Speaking on World Day Against *Child* *Labour* yesterday, an Indian priest,
Fr Jose Vattakkuzhy, claims that India’s economic progress is made possible
by *…*

*Child* *labour* legislation coming
Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation – Barbados
*…* Speaking on the occasion of 2006 World Day Against *Child* *Labour*,
he says government has seen it fit to take this decision to erase any doubts
of the legitimacy *…*

By Invitation: *Child* *labour*: An end in
Ethical Corporation Magazine – London,UK
The International *Labour* Organization has just launched a major new global
report on *child* *labour*. *…* *Child* *labour*, they said, is just a
fact of life. *…*

‘Red card’ given to *child*
BBC News – UK
By Imogen Foulkes. *Child* *labour* must end for good, says the
International *Labour* Organization on its World Day Against *Child* *Labour
*. *…*
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