2024年10月20日(日)、東京レガシーハーフマラソン2024が行われ、ACEは東京レガシーハーフマラソン2024チャリティの寄付先団体として参加しました。今回の大会では、国内から19名、海外から2名のみなさまが、 ACEのチャリティランナーとしてエントリーしてくださいました。
The Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 was successfully held on October 20, 2024. In this event, 19 participants from Japan and 2 from overseas registered as ACE charity runners.
沿道で声援 “ACE Cheering Team” along the roadside
At the start of the race, there were a few drops of rain, raising concerns about the weather. However, the rain quickly stopped, and the event took place in ideal conditions that encouraged the runners.
The ACE support team gathered along the course near Suidobashi Station, offering enthusiastic cheers to boost the runners’ spirits. Some runners noticed our staff, waving back at us, and some even stopped for high-fives.

チャリティブースで交流 ACE’s Charity Booth
After finishing the race, many charity runners stopped by the ACE charity booth, where we had the opportunity to hear their thoughts on the race and why they support ACE. Just seeing the satisfied smiles of the charity runners gave us a boost of energy and motivation.
ACEへの応援、ありがとうございました! Thank you for all your support!
Thank you very much for your generous donations through the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2024 Charity, which totaled 1,050,000 yen. This contribution will be used to protect children from child labor and to support families in poverty.
ACEは、東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEARTの寄付先団体です。
東京マラソン財団チャリティ RUN with HEART公式ウェブサイト
関連記事:SDGs Magazineの東京レガシーハーフマラソン2024に関する記事の中で、ACEスタッフとチャリティランナーのインタビューが掲載されました
- カテゴリー:報告
- 投稿日:2024.11.19