



SDGs 目標8、ターゲット7に含まれている「2025年までの児童労働撤廃」達成まで、5年を切ってしまいました。コロナ禍で児童労働が増える懸念があるなか、ギアを上げて取り組んでいかなければなりません。児童労働撤廃国際年は「アクション」がキーワードで、ILOは2021年12月までに達成できる「アクション」を表明することを国、労働組合、ビジネス、市民社会組織、個人などに呼び掛けました。

これを受けて、ACEは「2021年アクションの誓い」(2021 Action Pledge)を提出しました。タイトルは「パートナーシップとコレクティブ・インパクトで児童労働を終わらせる」。











・コミュニティ:ガーナのカカオ生産地における「スマイル・ガーナ プロジェクト」とインドのコットン生産地における「ピース・インド プロジェクト」を継続して実施する。子ども、地域の人びと、学校、行政などとの協働メカニズムを構築して、児童労働の予防と撤廃を行う。



規模拡大(Scale up)

ACEは、2009年から「スマイル・ガーナ プロジェクト」を実施し、ガーナ南西部のカカオ生産地の10のコミュニティと72のサブ・コミュニティにおいて、コミュニティが行政と連携して児童労働を予防・撤廃するメカニズムの構築に成功した。この知識と経験に基づいて、2018~20年にはさまざまなステークホルダーを巻き込んだ、ガーナ政府による「チャイルドレイバー・フリー・ゾーン構築に向けたガイドライン」策定を支援した。2021年には国際協力機構(JICA)のプロジェクトを受託して、ガーナ南西部の2つの郡において「ガイドライン」に基づいたパイロット活動を実施し、「ガイドライン」実施の可能性と有効性を検証して、2022年に報告書を作成する。この取り組みが、ガーナ全国、アフリカの国々、ひいては世界中に規模拡大することが期待される。








ACE “2021 Action Pledge”(提出文)

Name of your 2021 Action Pledge

Ending child labour through partnership and collective impact

Describe your 2021 Action Pledge

ACE adopts a collaborative/systemic approach to eliminating child labour by engaging multiple stakeholders. We conduct community development projects in Ghana, India and Japan; advocate to the Japanese government and international community; involve the business sector in supply chain transparency; and raise people’s awareness of child labour issues. In 2021, we are focusing on strengthening partnerships and collaborative mechanisms among these various stakeholders for the elimination of child labour in cocoa production in Ghana. This is expected to facilitate collective impact on a large scale.

How will you implement your 2021 Action Pledge?

ACE will implement its 2021 Action Pledge based on the three strategic pillars – “Action, Inspire, Scale up”-, and by placing importance on partnership and collective impact.


– In overseas communities:
Continue the implementation of the SMILE Ghana Project in cocoa-production areas and the PEACE India Project in cotton-production areas in order to prevent and end child labour via the establishment of collaborative mechanisms in the communities, engaging children, community members, schools, local governments and others.
– For businesses in Japan:
Conduct seminars, training workshops and awareness-raising activities, and provide consultation services, in order to promote businesses that are child labour-free.
– To the Japanese government and international communities:
Advocate taking action to eliminate child labour


– Organize events and provide information on the International Year to raise awareness and inspire people to take action for the elimination of child labour, including via the publication of newspaper articles and organization of events in collaboration with a major national newspaper, the Asahi Shimbun.

Scale up

– Provide support to the Government of Ghana to implement the National Plan of Action Phase II on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor:
ACE has been implementing the SMILE Ghana Project since 2009 and succeeded in establishing a sustainable mechanism, in collaboration with local governments, to prevent and end child labour in 10 communities and 72 sub-communities in cocoa-production areas in the south-west of Ghana. Based on the knowledge and experience obtained in operating these activities, in 2018-2020 we supported the Ghanaian government formulate and establish the Protocols and Guidelines on “Establishing Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZs) in Ghana,” engaging multiple stakeholders in the process. In 2021, we launched pilot activities in two districts in the south-west of Ghana in line with the Guidelines as part of a JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) project, with the aim of testing whether the implementation of the Guidelines is feasible and effective. The results of the pilot will be compiled in a report to be released in March 2022, which we hope will show the Guidelines to be successful and pave the way for scaling up CLFZs in Ghana, West Africa and ultimately globally.

How will your Action Pledge contribute to ending child labour?

In order to eliminate child labour, it is multi-stakeholder collaboration that is of vital importance. ACE will take the initiative to strengthen partnerships by engaging policy makers, businesses, trade unions, NGOs, consumers, communities where child labour exists, and the general public. In particular, we will promote the Guidelines and Protocols, “Establishing Child Labour Free Zones (CLFZs) in Ghana” through pilot activities in collaboration with the Ghanaian government and JICA. This is expected to present a model case of collective impact for the elimination of child labour.

What sort of content will you produce to communicate about this 2021 Action Pledge?

ACE will disseminate information on child labour and the International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour via our website and social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn). We will also speak at and attend events hosted by other organizations to share our activities and experiences and further raise awareness via our networks.

Who is responsible for implementation?

Action against Child Exploitation (ACE)



  • Pocket

  • カテゴリー:報告
  • 投稿日:2021.05.12